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Home Overview MAXQDA Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software
MAXQDA Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software
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MAXQDA Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software
MAXQDA is a professional software for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method data analysis, suitable for both Windows and Mac operating platforms, and loved by thousands of users worldwide.
Business Government/non-profit version Academic
Single User Network version
1 Year 3 Years 5 Years
Analysis Professional Edition Standard
1 User 5 Users
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MAXQDA Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software

MAXQDA Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software

Commercial Edition - Single User -1 Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -1 User
Government/non-profit version - online version -3-year subscription - standard version -5 users
Government/non-profit version - online version -5-year subscription - standard version -5 users
Government/non-profit version - online version -1 year subscription - analysis professional version -5 users
Government/non-profit version - online version -3-year subscription - analysis professional version -5 users
Government/non-profit version - online version -5-year subscription - analysis professional version -5 users
Commercial Edition - Single User -1 Year Subscription - Standard Edition -1 User
Commercial Edition - Single User -3-Year Subscription - Standard Edition -1 User
Commercial Edition - Single User -5-Year Subscription - Standard Edition -1 User
Government/non-profit version - online version -1 year subscription - standard version -5 users
Commercial Edition - Single User -3-Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -1 User
Commercial Edition - Single User -5-Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -1 User
Commercial Edition - Online Edition -1 Year Subscription - Standard Edition -5 Users
Commercial Edition - Online Edition -3-Year Subscription - Standard Edition -5 Users
Commercial Edition - Online Edition -5-Year Subscription - Standard Edition -5 Users
Business Edition - Online Edition -1 Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -5 Users
Commercial Edition - Online Edition -3-Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -5 Users
Business Edition - Online Edition -5-Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -5 Users
Academic Edition - Online Edition -1 Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -5 Users
Academic Edition - Single User -3-Year Subscription - Standard Edition -1 User
Academic Edition - Single User -5-Year Subscription - Standard Edition -1 User
Academic Edition - Single User -1 Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -1 User
Academic Edition - Single User -3-Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -1 User
Academic Edition - Single User -5-Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -1 User
Academic Edition - Online Edition -1 Year Subscription - Standard Edition -5 Users
Academic Edition - Online Edition -3-Year Subscription - Standard Edition -5 Users
Academic Edition - Online Edition -5-Year Subscription - Standard Edition -5 Users
Academic Edition - Single User -1 Year Subscription - Standard Edition -1 User
Academic Edition - Online Edition -3-Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -5 Users
Academic Edition - Online Edition -5-Year Subscription - Analysis Professional Edition -5 Users
Government/non-profit version - single user -1 year subscription - standard version -1 user
Government/non-profit version - single user -3-year subscription - standard version -1 user
Government/non-profit version - single user -5-year subscription - standard version -1 user
Government/non-profit version - single user -1 year subscription - analysis professional version -1 user
Government/non-profit version - single user -3-year subscription - analysis professional version -1 user
Government/non-profit version - single user -5-year subscription - analysis professional version -1 user
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MAXQDA is a professional software for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method data analysis, suitable for both Windows and Mac operating platforms, and loved by thousands of users worldwide.

Founded in 1989, with years of experience in providing researchers with powerful, innovative, and convenient data analysis tools, it has assisted in the smooth development of research projects. The types of data that MAXQDA can analyze include interview records, reports, forms, online surveys, focus groups, videos, audio, literature, images, and more.

Comprehensive qualitative data analysis for researchers using different datasets. MAXQDA Standard can handle multiple data types and provides powerful tools for advanced encoding, retrieval, transcription, and visualization, while still being easy to learn and use.

Extensive data

Manage your entire research project using MAXQDA Standard. Easily import data from interviews, focus groups, online surveys, web pages, images, audio and video files, spreadsheets, bibliographic data, and even YouTube comments and Twitter tweets.

Organize your materials in groups, cross reference relevant quotes, and share and compare work with other members of the team. Just like your research, your project is always flexible and can expand or improve the code system.

Encoding and Retrieval

By using regular codes, colors, symbols, or emoticons, important information in the data is marked with different codes. Quickly code by dragging and dropping or automatically encoding search terms, and organize your thoughts and theories in memos that can be fixed to any element of the project.

Simply click to quickly and efficiently retrieve code segments, or use powerful search tools to test and develop new theories.


When you read and encode data, good ideas usually come up. Memos are an ideal place to keep them. Choose from 11 different icons to mark your memo. The unique MAXQDA memo manager and lexical search function ensure access to each memo at any time. Memos are also very suitable for creating audit records or explaining paragraphs in one's own words.

Search in the MAXQDA standard

Conduct a project wide search in documents, memos, or current search results. You can enter single or multiple search strings and use operators to group them together. Through interactive search result display, quickly scroll through each appearance of the phrase and apply the code to all or selected search results. Of course, you can also quickly search in each window of MAXQDA.

Analysis and Transcription Media

You can choose to use MAXQDA to directly encode audio and video files without first creating a transcript. Or transcribe your media to analyze written text while always maintaining a connection to the original media editing. MAXQDA has extended transcription capabilities, allowing you to adjust the speed or volume of audio and video files, and use pedals to accelerate transcription speed.

The processing of media editing is the same as any other segment in MAXQDA. You can encode, retrieve, annotate, and assign weights to these segments in the same way as other segments.

Hybrid Method Expert - Integrated Demography

Deeply integrate quantitative methods or data into your project. Link qualitative data to demographic variables, quantify the results of qualitative analysis, calculate statistical frequency, or compare groups based on quantitative and qualitative findings in the MAXQDA standard.

Visualization and theoretical testing

Automatically or manually generate amazing data visualization effects. View your data from a new perspective to gain new insights or theoretical testing.

By exporting the results as impressive images for reporting and presentation, you can share your results. Alternatively, use the car map drawing tool MAXMaps to create a wide range of maps.

Export, report, archive

MAXQDA will not lock your data. Export a portion of the project, individual documents, search results, or the entire project to an easily readable file format, such as Excel or Word. Or export the complete project to a clear and understandable folder structure.

MAXQDA also follows the REFI-QDA standard, which allows you to export and import data from other QDA software packages.

Using any language in MAXQDA

MAXQDA provides multiple possibilities for using different languages. The user interface can be provided in multiple languages, and your analysis can be conducted in every language in the world. The fact that MAXQDA supports Unicode enables the import and analysis of documents using any script and language.

Learn how to use MAXQDA in your preferred language! Our Getting Started Guide is available in multiple different languages. In addition, our international network of professional trainers provides opportunities to participate in MAXQDA workshops in multiple different languages.

MAXQDA Professional Qualitative Data Analysis Tool Software LOGO

Official website:https://www.maxqda.com

Download Center:https://maxqda.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual processing

Operating platform:Windows、macOS

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Subscription version, used and updated during the subscription period.

Pre purchase trial:30 day free trial.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 2 computers.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:To be added.

reference material:https://www.maxqda.com/china/goumai

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